Who We Are
The Alpha Gamma Chapter at the University of Kentucky
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma was first founded at the University of Kentucky in 1917 and was active until 1970 when it was dissolved due to low membership. Our chapter was only recently reactivated, 100 years later, in 2017. Our brothers are committed to rebuilding our chapter and forming a strong foundation for future members to inherit, following in the footsteps of our predecessors. As brothers, we strive to grow our membership as a chapter and plan engaging professional, social, and community events that everyone can enjoy. Our founders sought to create a space for those on a quest for chemical knowledge, shaping its members into passionate, knowledgeable, and successful scientists. In our chapter, we strive to do the same and are committed to helping others love chemistry and succeed in their professional pursuits.

What We Do
Building friendship, professional skills, and community
As members, we strive not only to dedicate ourselves to our fraternity but also to its three core ideals. We plan social events such as ice cream socials, back-to-school bashes, and fraternity game nights to build and foster community within our organization and with the greater University of Kentucky Community. We also actively volunteer around Lexington, performing demonstrations at the local children's science museum and judging local robotics competitions. Additionally, we plan and partake in professional development events, such as resume workshops and professional headshot booths, to help our members network with industry professionals and prepare for their future careers or further education. Ultimately, our goal is to build unbreakable bonds of brotherhood between our members, to build a support network within the university, and to prepare our brothers to be successful in the world, whether in the industrial or academic setting.

How to Join
Fraternity recruitment and membership
The Alpha Gamma Chapter holds recruitment twice per academic year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Each year, we plan four open events for interested students where we partake in fun activities, like painting or slime making, and get to know one another. To become a member of the fraternity, prospective brothers must attend at least one recruitment event to meet current members and learn about our organization, as well as the invite-only night at the end of the two-week recruitment period. There are plenty of opportunities to meet our members and learn about our organization outside of rush as well, including at university activity fairs or by contacting us at axs.uky@gmail.com. We plan events to maximize communication, connection, and fun, and we hope to see you this coming semester! For more information, reach out to us, and to stay updated, follow our social media accounts where we post about upcoming events and recruitment schedules.